Learn with Others

Want to expand your network and see results? Our interactive workshops tackle common questions and challenges that startups face. Hands-on activities help you apply best practices and tested frameworks directly to your own situation.

HBS Accelerate’s  Unique Model

  • Learn with the case-based method. HBS faculty share their expertise observations. Our case-based pedagogy requires learners to grapple directly with problems in a hands-on way in a group environment. 
  • Apply best practices to your startup’s unique problems. Even seasoned entrepreneurs struggle to apply best practices to their own unique situations. Our activities help you to apply tested frameworks to your startup. 
  • Engage with others and build a community. Our workshops occur in-person, allowing you to meet and interact with other entrepreneurs struggling with similar issues, to practice techniques, and to get direct feedback.

HBS Accelerate Workshops are results-oriented.

Our workshops cover essential material and intentionally move at a fast pace to prompt you to think, respond, and assess quickly. HBS’s world-class faculty deliver tested frameworks, techniques, tools, and insights via video. Between videos, you’ll participate in hands-on practical activities with peers and learn tested frameworks and techniques to help you evaluate and strengthen your venture.

What participants are saying

  • “The practice and feedback opportunities in the workshop were invaluable.”
  • “The professor was a great speaker. I appreciated how points were broken down.”
  • “The structured activities got my brain going and made me think about something I’ve been avoiding.”

Download a Workshop

Our workshops address common questions and challenges startups face. Each features tested frameworks, techniques, tools, and insights delivered by an HBS faculty member via video. We intersperse videos with practical, interactive activities designed to help you evaluate and strengthen your venture. Workshops cover a lot of material and move at a fast pace to prompt you to think, respond, and assess quickly.


Building Products People Love

Attend or Host an In-Person Workshop

Interested in attending a workshop?

HBS Accelerate is partnering with co-working spaces across the globe to deliver focused workshops to entrepreneurs at every stage. Check current workshop offerings at a facility in your area.

Interested in hosting a workshop?

Are you a community manager interested in partnering with HBS Accelerate? Contact us to learn how to schedule a workshop in your area.

Interested in hosting a workshop?

Are you a community manager interested in partnering with HBS Accelerate? Contact us to learn how to schedule a workshop in your area.

Interested in hosting a workshop?

Are you a community manager interested in partnering with HBS Accelerate? Contact us to learn how to schedule a workshop in your area.