Asking someone to co-found your business is one of the most critical decisions you'll make as a founder. How do you identify and choose the right person?

Asking someone to co-found your business is one of the most critical decisions you'll make as a founder. How do you identify and choose the right person?
You found a great co-founder. When should you formalize your relationship? You may be tempted to draft a founders’ agreement to demonstrate trust in the partnership, but before you make a legal commitment, make sure you’re aligned with your co-founder in 3 critical areas.
As you scale, the strengths and habits that enabled you to launch—visionary thinking, working nonstop, or making decisions based on experiential knowledge—can become liabilities that damage your startup’s capacity for long-term growth and have serious negative consequences. In an interview with Shikhar Ghosh, Careem's co-founders Mudassir Sheikha, Magnus Olsson, and Abdulla Elyas reflect on their meteoric growth from 2012-2014. Candidly sharing the mistakes they made, they identify the consequences of rapid scaling and share practical advice for other founders.
Choosing a partner who can bring a different perspective to the table help you balance the business. Lara O'Connor Hodgson reviews why good co-founder fit rests more on compatible values than complementary skills.